About bali

Bali is among the world’s most attractive and popular tourist destinations. The eastern coast of the island of Java is home to a tiny paradise that never fails to amaze visitors with its distinct culture, warm residents, breath-taking scenery, global activities, delicious cuisine, and limitless accommodation possibilities.

Bali has also been known as a place for global conferences due to its international standard meetings facilities. Recently, Bali has hosted the G20-2022 meetings, World Congress on Infectious Diseases (WCID), International Conference On Sustainable Healthy Cities And Sustainable Development Goals (ICSHCSDG) and many more.

The province of Bali consists of the island of Bali as the largest island with small islands around it, namely Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Ceningan Island, Nusa Lembongan Island, Serangan Island (located at the foot of Bali Island), and Menjangan Island which is located in the western part of the island. Bali.

Location of the Region

Astronomically, Bali Province is located at the coordinates of 08º03’40″—08º50’48” South Latitude and 114º25’53″—115º42’40” East Longitude. Bali Province is bordered by East Java Province which is bounded by the Bali Strait in the west, while in the east it is bordered by Lombok Island which is bounded by the Lombok Strait. In the north there is the Java Sea and in the south, there is the Indonesian Ocean. Based on the relief and topography, in the middle of the island of Bali stretches of mountains that extend from west to east and between these mountains there is a cluster of volcanoes.


Based on Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 72 of 2019 dated October 25, 2019, the total area of the Province of Bali is 5,780.06 km2 or 0.30 percent of the area of the Indonesian archipelago. The government area of Bali Province is currently divided into 9 (nine) regencies/cities.


In general, the Province of Bali has a tropical marine climate which is influenced by seasonal winds. The province of Bali has a dry season and a rainy season which are interspersed with transition seasons. The average temperature in Bali is around 26.3-27.7oC with humidity ranging from 78-84%. The average annual rainfall ranges from 1,390.5 to 3,070.0 mm, while the number of rainy days ranges from 113 days to 171 days.


The population of Bali in 2020 based on the results of the 2020 Population Census is 4,317.40 thousand people. With a continuously increasing population and a fixed area, the population density in Bali in 2020 will reach 747 people per square kilometer. Areas with high population density were recorded in Badung, Gianyar and Denpasar Regencies, which reached thousands of people per square kilometer. 

The majority of Bali’s population are of productive age (15-64 years). The number of elderly people is also quite large, especially women, this can be interpreted by the increasing life expectancy. Bali’s dependent burden figure for 2020 is 42.61. This means that out of 100 productive Balinese, apart from supporting themselves, they also support 42 to 43 people who are not/are no longer productive.

The Human Development Index (HDI) was introduced by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1990 and is published regularly in the annual Human Development Report (HDR). Bali’s HDI and Indonesia’s HDI continued to increase from 2011 to 2020. During the same period, Bali’s HDI was always higher than Indonesia’s HDI. Bali’s HDI increased from 70.87 in 2011 to 75.50 in 2020, while Indonesia’s HDI increased from 67.09 in 2011 to 71.94 in 2020.

Security and Safety

Bali has long taken security very seriously, which is one of the reasons it was chosen as the site of the various events. Especially in Nusa Dua area accessible is through three guarded checkpoints; everyone entering local hotels, restaurants and the conference venue will also be subject to multiple security searches. At Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport, on-site security has already been increased, further underscoring Bali’s commitment to taking the safety of its guests very seriously.

How to get to Bali

By Plane

Denpasar, the capital of Bali, is only 13 kilometers away from Ngurah Rai International Airport, also known as Denpasar International Airport, which is situated in South Kuta. The Denpasar Airport regularly receives and discharges flights from significant international cities. It is also well connected to most of Indonesia and regularly scheduled domestic flights connect it to the nation’s largest cities. To go to your destination from the airport, simply call a taxi. Please be aware that there might not always be buses running from the airport.

By Road

If you’re willing to endure approximately the 23-hour bus ride, you may take a bus from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, to Bali.

By Ship

For the majority of cruise ships traveling through South East Asia, Bali is a very popular port. Take a flight to Singapore, Sumatra, or Java, then board a ship to continue your journey to Bali to reach Bali by sea. You will receive full guidance at the information desks at the airport.

Moving Around

Bali lacks a functional public transportation system, making private vehicles the most preferred method of travel on the island. There are numerous possibilities even though private transportation is the only one.

  • Walking

They claim that exploring a new area on foot is the greatest method to do so. However, Bali has very poor roads and cracked sidewalks despite its stunning beaches and paddy terraces. It is therefore rather difficult to walk around the island. However, there are guided walking trips available for the countryside, which visit Mount Batur and the Ubud villages.

  • Bus

Although buses are not frequently used in Bali, some do operate longer routes that link the regencies of Denpasar, Singaraja, Gilimanuk, and Amlapura. Each town has at least one terminal for these long-distance buses. The maximum fare is IDR 10,000. There are also more expensive shuttle buses for tourists that are run by organizations like “Perama.”

  • Bemo

Bemos are small vans and minibuses that are designed to hold a maximum of 12 passengers at once. Despite being fairly affordable, their popularity has declined over time because of the crowded circumstances passengers must endure and the frequent overcharging. Even instances of drivers leaving the scene without giving change have been reported. Travelers should insist on paying the same price as the locals because there is no set tariff. However, you need budget at least IDR 5000. Denpasar serves as the hub and has specialized Bemo stations in the majority of Balinese municipalities.

  • Ojek

Ojek is a private motorbike taxi in Bali that permits a paying passenger. It is essentially a kind of hitchhiking. All you have to do to get a free Ojek to stop for you is stand on one side of the street and wave your hands to indicate that you need a ride. Before a few years ago, it was impossible to guarantee the security of this service, but with the advent of mobile apps like “Go Jek” and Uber’s “UberMOTOR,” Ojeks has become much more trustworthy. The minimum fee is IDR 30,000 for a 5-kilometer travel.

  • Dokar

Dokars, which are essentially miniature horse carts, are reminiscent of rural life and bygone eras. There are a few of these unsteady rides in Denpasar, despite the fact that they are unusual and even restricted by the Balinese government. Hotels primarily employ them for major events like weddings.

  • Taxi

In Bali, taxis are the most dependable mode of public transportation. The most well-known company is called “Blue Bird,” and it has a smart phone app and a dialling system. Due to their distinctive blue color and the bluebird insignia, these taxis are numerous and impossible to miss. The costs are often approximately IDR 70,000, and the drivers are proficient in English. Avoid using taxis with damaged or non-existent meters since you can be taken advantage of. Additionally available in Bali, Uber often offers rates about IDR 40,000, making it more affordable than radio taxis. Payment in cash is acceptable.

  • Car and Bike Rentals

The best way to get around Bali is with your own car, so travellers who can drive or ride a bike are at a huge advantage. Scooters, commonly referred to as “motors,” are available for day rentals. These motorcycles are available for rent from a number of tourist businesses in Kuta and Seminyak. Helmet use is essential. A still more affordable option is to rent a bicycle. You might hire a car and driver if your budget is on the higher side. You must have your international driver’s license with you if you plan to rent a self-drive vehicle. Bear in mind that Balinese people drive on the left side of the road. Before choosing a vendor, compare the costs of renting and petrol with a few others first to prevent paying too much.

  • Sea Transport

Access to Bali’s sister islands is possible via local cruises. These can be fairly pricey because they are included in sophisticated trip packages that also include meals and a brief stay. For shorter lengths, conventional, low-cost boats can be used, although their safety measures are dubious.


The official language is Bahasa Indonesia but most of the restaurants and tourist attractions staff speak English. The Balinese grow up speaking both Bahasa Indonesia and Basa Bali, the dialect native to the island.

Weather and time

Bali is situated near the equator, approximately 8 degrees south of it. Here you will experience the temperature to be warm and humid. The two main seasons are: the Dry Season and the Rainy Season. The dry season usually comes around April to September, while the rainy season will typically occur from October to March. Bali is still enjoyable under any weather, as long as you keep the fun spirit of your holiday. Additionally, Bali local time is UTC +8 (GMT+8).


Indonesia country code is +62 and Bali national code is +62-36.

Banks, credit cards and currency

There is no hard and fast rule for tipping in Bali. All hotels and most restaurants have a 17% or 21% tax and service charge included in your bill, so it is up to you whether to add any extra tip on top of that. When it comes to tipping drivers or other ‘freelancers’, it’s nice but not required.

Nearest Hospital

  • Bali Mandara Regional Hospital
    Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.548, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar Selatan, Denpasar, Bali
    24-hours operational hour
    Call: (0361) 4490566
  • BIMC Hospital Kuta Address: Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 100X, Kuta, Denpasar Contact: +62 361 761 263


Pharmacies are easy to recognize by the side of the street. They are open: Monday – Sunday, mostly open 24 hours.

Regulations for Traveling to Indonesia

All international travelers arriving into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia must adhere to the following regulations:

1.  All foreign travelers (foreign nationals) who will enter the territory of the Republic of Indonesia are required to have arrival document requirements to be allowed to enter the territory of Indonesia, which includes:

  • Show a certificate of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure, which is written in English, in addition to the language of the country of origin.

2.  No longer required to show a pre-departure negative result of RT-PCR test and no longer required to show the proof of ownership of health insurance.

3.  Upon arrival in Indonesia, foreign travelers must undergo a health check, including body temperature check, with the following provisions:

  • Without symptoms of COVID-19, and body temperature under 37.5 degrees Celsius: are not required to undergo RT-PCR examination upon arrival.
  • Exhibiting symptom(s) of COVID-19 or body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius: required to undergo RT-PCR examination upon arrival.

4.  For all domestic traveling from and to regions throughout Indonesia, the following provisions shall apply:

  • Domestic Travelers with the age of 18 years old or older must have received third dose of vaccine (booster).
  • Domestic Travelers with the status of foreign nationals originating from overseas travel with the age of 18 years old or older must have received the second dose of vaccine.
  • Domestic Travelers with an age range of 6-17 years old must have received the second dose of vaccine.
  • Domestic Travelers with an age range of 6-17 years old who came from overseas travel can be excluded from the obligation to show the COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
  • Domestic Travelers under the age of 6 years old are excluded from the above conditions, but only allowed to travel accompanied by their parents or caregivers who has met the provisions for vaccination.
  • Domestic Travelers as categorized in numbers 1-5 above are not required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test.
  • Domestic Travelers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that prevent the person concerned from receiving vaccinations can be excluded from the obligation to show a negative RT-PCR or rapid antigen test result, but still required to show the doctor’s certificate from the government hospital stating that the person concerned has not/unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.